Craniosacral therapy
Specializing in birth and recovery Services
My mission is to use craniosacral therapy to provide a space for woman to find their authentic self in birth, and their journey into motherhood.
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a light touch approach to release restrictions to the central nervous system. CST can be an effective treatment for a wide range of conditions ranging from physical and nerve ailments to psychological and emotional issues.
It is particularly helpful during maternal and post-maternal care as well as for newborns and infants. Difficulty nursing can be a result of tensions or restrictions in the baby’s head, spine or body. These restrictions can be caused by pressures experienced during late pregnancy, and by the forces of birth. These pressures are increased by fast, long or induced labors, forceps or vacuum assisted births, or caesarean births.
Compressive forces during birth can result in pressure on the nervous system, particularly the cranial nerves that control sucking/swallowing, jaw mobility and the digestive systems. The baby may have areas of discomfort, muscular tension or bone misalignment.
How a Session Works
The therapist locates and release restrictions and tensions throughout the body by light contact on specific points on the head, torso, knees, and feet. Gentle releasing techniques are utilized throughout the session, ideally suited for newborns and infants. Once fully released, the tension patterns do not return.
Conditions that can be helped with CST
Difficulty nursing/latching, restricted jaw opening, jaw clamping, weak suck action, difficulty swallowing, on/off fussing, excessive spit-ups (reflux), one-sided feeding challenges (head turns more easily in one direction), asymmetrical head.
My Practice
I practice in the greater Portland area. Sessions can take place at your home for new mothers and their newborns
"The secret something that is shared by all effective healing methods is
the process of leading the patient to an honest and truthful self-discovery.
This self-discovery is required for the initiation and continuation of self-healing;
for it is only through self-healing - in contrast to curing - that patients can
experience both permanent recovery and spiritual growth... the closer our
perception of self approaches, the deeper our capacity for self healing becomes.
When there is a very close correspondence between self image and truth,
our healing powers may be virtually unlimited."
-Dr John E. Upledger